12月のアンサンブルコンテスト中予地区予選に出場し、4部門で金賞、2部門で銀賞と成果を上げました。中学生も高校生の大会に初出場銀賞と頑張りました。その後、ホルン3重奏が県大会に出場し、銀賞を受賞、「しのすい」力を発揮しました。高校バレーボール部は「春高バレー」全国選手権大会で、初戦に勝利しました。2回戦で昨年の準優勝校である大阪の金蘭会に惜しくも敗れました。私もライブ中継で見ましたが、東雲らしいプレイが随所に見られ、選手にとって悔いのない思い出に残る大会になったと思います。また、松山ユネスコ主催の「心の中に平和」作文コンクールでは、会長賞、南海放送賞はじめ優秀賞を含めて8人が受賞しました。先日、会長賞の中学3年村井綺星さんの「恵まれた環境に感謝」という作文を読ませてもらいました。発展途上国の子どもたちに目を向け、戦争や貧困、飢餓の中で懸命に生きる彼らと自分たちとを比較し、世界平和に思いをはせ、問題解決のためにSDGsの取り組みなどに触れながら、自分たちも何か行動に移したいという切実な気持ちが伝わってくる素晴らしいものでした。 さて、「1月は行く、2月は逃げる、3月は去る。」と言いますが、本年度も残り少なくなってきました。1、2年生は学年末考査の発表ももうすぐですね。それぞれが計画的に勉強して臨んでください。3年生は卒業を前にそれぞれがやるべきことを果たしてください。 All's well that ends well. So, be serious about everything in this term .
It has been almost a year since the corona disaster started. Every day we should keep our eyes open in order to stop the spread of infection in our prefecture. The word "triage" has been used recently. This word is derived from French and means "selection." If the number of infected people continues to increase, medical care will be strained and some people will not be able to receive treatment. "Triage" means "deciding the order of medical care," as it could lead to an extremely grave situation where people who should not have died will die. In these times, the Citrus Ribbon Project movement, which originated in our prefecture, seems to be spreading nationwide. Do you know it? It is a campaign to eliminate slander and discrimination against Corona victims by wearing a yellow-green handmade ribbon to support them. At our school, the YWCA members made those ribbons and introduced them at their booth during the Clover Day. Please take a look at the posters displayed in the school. I hope you will support the purpose of this campaign and take action.
Speaking of hot news, the news for our school is the activities of the Brass Band club. Unfortunately, they did not have any major competitions due to Corona until recently. At the end of the last year, they performed splendidly, despite the freezing cold weather, at the "The 65th Ceremony of the Installation of the First Traffic Signal in Ehime Prefecture" held on Okaido street, and in December, they participated in the Chuyo Regional Qualifying Round of the Ensemble Contest, winning gold in four categories and silver in two. The junior high school students also did well, winning silver in their first appearance in the competition. The horn trio then participated in the prefectural competition and won the silver prize, showing the power of "Shinosui." As for the high school volleyball team, they won their first game in the "Spring Volleyball National Championship," losing in the second round to Kinrankai from Osaka, last year's runner-up. I saw the tournament live on TV, and saw the signature Shinonome style of play throughout the game, and I believe that this was a memorable tournament that the players would not regret. In the "Peace in Our Hearts" essay contest sponsored by Matsuyama UNESCO, eight of our students won awards including the Chairman's Award, the Nankai Broadcasting Award, and the Excellence Award. The other day, I read the essay, "Thank You for the Blessed Environment" by Kiho Murai, a junior high school student who won the Chairman's Award. She looked at the children in developing countries and compared our lives with those who live hard in war, poverty and hunger. Additionally she thought about world peace, and touched on SDGs efforts to solve problems.
Well, as the saying goes, "January goes, February run away, and March leaves," there are few remaining days left in this school year. For the 1st and the 2nd year students, as the year-end examinations will be announced soon, I hope that each of you will study methodically to prepare for them, and for the third year students, please do what you should do before graduation. All's well that ends well. So, be serious about everything in this term .