三寒四温に包まれて、どこからともなく別れの序奏を聞くような思いで過ごす時期となりました。菜の花や梅の花が咲き誇り、桜のたよりも聞こえてきます。コロナの感染症に関する特別警戒も、感染拡大が沈静化したとの判断で解除されました。しかしながら油断は禁物です。自分の行動が社会に影響を与えるということを再認識して、感染防止対策を忘れないでください。皆さんは今、学年末考査を終えてほっと一息ついている頃かなと思います。終業礼拝までの2週間、そして新学期までの春休みを、今年度の学習における弱点の補強や新しい学年に良いスタートを切るための準備期間として有意義に過ごしてください。 さて、去る3月1日にはコロナウイルスの影響で規模は縮小しましたが、東雲らしい厳かな卒業式を行うことができました。式辞で私が話したのは、次の通りです。卒業生を待ち受けている社会は、大変厳しい状況にある。社会環境の複雑性が増し、次々と想定外の出来事が起こり、将来の予測が困難になってきている。中でも、夏の豪雨災害など地球温暖化に伴う気候変動や、全人類が今格闘しているコロナ・パンデミックなどは由々しき難題である。しかし、これらに遭遇することで、災害対策はどうあるべきかを考えたり、社会を歪ませているさまざまな問題に気づいたりすることができた。同時に、人と人とのつながりの大切さや、日常のかけがえのなさなども切実に感じさせられた。これから遭遇する問題にはすぐに正解は得られないかもしれないが、やるべきことは、デジタル化が進む社会に向けて情報活用能力を高めること。そして、様々な人々と出会い、交流し、見聞を広め、体験を豊かにすること。受身的な学びではなく、自分の目で確かめ、自分の頭で考え、判断すること。そういう本物の学びの経験を積み重ねていけば、自分の中に揺るぎない確固たる生き方を持つことができ、困難を乗り越えることができるということ。また、女性であるということだけで、頑張っても報われない男性優位の誤ったジェンダー意識と遭遇することがあるかもしれないがその時こそ、「高遠なる理想」「敬虔なる信仰」「真摯なる努力」「清純なる愛情」「私心なき奉仕」の校訓の下、女子校で培った心のしなやかさや共感力を土台にして、勇気を持って立ち向かって欲しい。そのことが必ずや日本を、そして世界を変える原動力にもなるということ。そして、式辞の終わりに、卒業生が高校1年生の時、私の英語の授業で学習した米国の詩人、サムエル・ウルマンの、Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.「青春とは人間のある期間を言うのではなく、心のあり方のことだ」という英詩の一節を朗読し、生涯「青春」の気持ちを持ち続けて欲しいとエールを送りました。 今年度の「校長室だより」には新しい試みとして英訳を載せました。1年間お読みいただきありがとうございました。
During the cycle of cold and warm days, we spend our time feeling as if we hear the prelude of a parting song from nowhere. Rape blossoms and plum blossoms are now in full bloom, and we can hear the tidings of cherry blossoms. The special alert period for Corona infections has been lifted as the spread of the infection has subsided. However, we must not be careless. Please remember that your actions have an impact on society, and take measures to prevent getting sick as well. I think you are all feeling relieved after the year-end examinations. Please make the most of the two weeks left in the end of the school year and the spring holidays. Use this time to revise what you have learned and to prepare for a good start to the new school year.
This March 1st, we were able to hold a graduation ceremony, although the scale of the ceremony was reduced due to the coronavirus. The following is what I said in my speech. The society that awaits the graduates is now in a very difficult situation. The complexity of the social environment is increasing, unexpected events are occurring one after another, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the future. For example, climate change caused by global warming, such as the torrential rains in summer, and the corona pandemic that all of humanity is now struggling with, are serious challenges. By encountering these problems, however, we could think about what disaster countermeasures should be and realize the various problems that are distorting society. At the same time, it made us realize the importance of human relationships and the significance of everyday life. You may not be able to find the right answers to the problems you will encounter in the future, but what you should do is acquire the ability to use information technology in preparation for an increasingly digital society. You also need to meet and interact with a variety of people, broaden your perspectives, and make good use of your experiences. You should see with your own eyes, and think with your own head, to make decisions. If you accumulate such genuine, positive learning experiences, you will be able to have a solid way of life and overcome difficulties. In addition, there may be times when you encounter a male-dominated, incorrect gender-consciousness that does not reward you for your efforts simply because you are a woman. However, at such times, I would like you to face them with courage, based on our school precepts of "high ideals," "devout faith," "sincere effort," "pure love," and "selfless service," as well as the flexibility of mind and empathy that you have cultivated at this girls' school. This will surely become the driving force to change Japan and the world. At the end of the ceremony, I read a passage from a poem by Samuel Ullman, an American poet, which the graduates had studied in my English class when they were first-year high school students: "Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind." Quoting the poem, I encouraged them to keep the feeling of "youth" with them throughout their lives.
Thank you for reading "Principal's Newsletter" throughout this school year. I hope you have enjoyed its English version as well.