先月、サタデースクールで高校2年生が、環境省が進める「海ごみゼロ」運動の一環として、梅津寺に出かけ海岸美化活動を行いました。缶や瓶、プラステイックごみなどを集め、2時間くらいの間に可燃、不燃合わせて18枚のごみ袋がいっぱいになったようです。今、ESD(Education for Sustainable Developmentの略)「持続可能な開発目標のための教育」が提唱されています。今回の活動を通して参加した皆さんは、海で進行している環境悪化の現状を見て、海だけでなく、自分たちの身の回りをあらためて見て、問題点を考えるなど地球環境を「自分ごと」としてとらえることができるようになったのではと思います。ご苦労様でした。
Stay Healthy! Enjoy your summer!
It's July. Do you know the origin of the word "July" in English? Please look up the meaning of the word. You will find out some interesting facts. The end-of-term examinations are over, and I'm sure you are now all breathing a sigh of relief. Please correct the wrong answers on your returned exam papers and remember them. And make the remaining days until the end of the first term fulfilling. Review what you have learned during the first term without feeling like the summer vacation has already started.
Last month, for the Saturday School, the second year high school students went to Baishinji to do a beach beautification activity as part of the "Zero Marine Litter" campaign promoted by the Ministry of the Environment. They collected cans, bottles, and plastic garbage, and in about two hours, they filled up 18 garbage bags, including combustible and non-combustible bags. ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) is now being advocated as a way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Through this activity, I believe that the participants were able to see the current state of environmental deterioration that is progressing in the ocean, and to take a look not only at the ocean but also at their own surroundings and think about the problems. Thank you for your hard work.
The Prefectural Athletic Meet, which was cancelled last year due to the influence of the coronavirus, was held for the first time in two years under the slogan, "Connecting- The baton that could not be passed on that day, now." and heated battles were held at each venue. Sadly, to prevent corona infections there were no spectators, but our students did their best until the end. The archery team, as expected, dominated, taking first through eighth places, and the volleyball team won without losing a single set. Unfortunately, the soccer team did not advance to the finals, but the content of the match seems to have been very good. The other teams of Shinonome were able to fully demonstrate their abilities. Two weeks later, both the archery and volleyball teams won the Shikoku Tournament held in Kagawa. As for the junior high school clubs, the volleyball team also won the city tournament without dropping a single set. One of our students winning the individual championship of Kendo is also a great achievement. I hope that each club will continue to work hard to achieve even higher goals.
The long-awaited summer vacation is around the corner. You have 34 days of vacation, so please start planning how you are going to spend it. The summer vacation gives you more free time to do what you want, but there is also the danger of falling into a world of laziness. Also, although the number of corona infections in our prefecture has been decreasing, we cannot be too careful yet. I am also worried about heat stroke. I hope you will have a healthy and meaningful summer vacation, so that you'll be ready for the start of the second term.
Stay Healthy! Enjoy your summer!