さて、先日の体育祭大変お疲れ様でした。連日の猛暑の中、熱中症予防やコロナ感染対策をしながらの応援やパネル製作、そして競技練習等よく頑張りました。前日から雨天のため開催できるかどうか気をもみましたが、幸いなことに1日の延期で実施することができました。当日のグランド整備やテント張りもそれぞれがよく動き短時間で準備ができました。東雲はなんでも自分たちで考えて全員で協力して行っている、そこに女子校のよさがあると改めて思いました。感染対策のため保護者には観覧を遠慮いただき、今回は体育祭の様子を後日動画配信することとし、生徒・教職員のみで、プログラム自体も縮小しました。本年度のスローガン「Go the distance つかみ取れ青春物語」にふさわしい熱戦の連続で、観る者にさわやかな感動を与え、すばらしいものになりました。特に、応援合戦は、大声を出すことが自粛されている中、応援リーダー中心で実施しましたがどの団も一致団結したすばらしいもので観る者に感動を与えました。体育祭に向けて、自分たちが限界まで頑張ったことや感動したことをこれからの学校生活に生かしてもらいたいものです。私は、体育祭を観て、東雲生の「すばらしさ」や「底力」をまた一つ見つけたような気がしています。
Autumn is just around the corner. Let's get started !
The long rain that started before the Obon holidays has caused huge damage in many areas. I hope that your area is safe. There is still a risk of landslides, so please be careful. The summer heat will also continue for a while. Don't forget to take measures against heat stroke such as staying hydrated. During the Olympics and Paralympics, I had mixed feelings every day, wishing the best for the Japanese athletes and worrying about the spread of corona infection. As of now, corona infection has spread rapidly in Ehime Prefecture, especially in Matsuyama City, so the alert level has been raised to the "infection control period" and priority measures to prevent spread have been implemented. We are also concerned about the tightening of medical services and the impact on public health centers. We are very concerned about the increase in the number of elementary, junior high and high school students infected with the highly infectious Delta strain from India, which is rampant throughout Japan. Under such circumstances, we have decided to postpone Clover Day, giving top priority to infection prevention. Now, more than ever, each and every one of us must be aware that we are surrounded by the greatest risk in history, and we must take action to avoid infection with the greatest sense of urgency. In order to protect your own life, the lives of your family members, and the lives of others, please be sure to practice this. Also, please discuss "how to avoid infection at home" with your family.
On a lighter note, thank you very much for your hard work at the recent Sports Festival. Our students did a great job of cheering, making panels, and practicing for competitions while taking precautions to prevent heat stroke and corona infection during these hot days. We were worried about whether we could hold the event or not because of the rainy weather, but fortunately we only had to postpone it for one day. On the morning of the event, every one of you worked very hard to prepare the ground and set up the tents in a short time. At Shinonome, you think of everything on your own and work together, and I was reminded that this is one of the advantages of a girls' school. For the sake of infection control, we asked the parents to refrain from watching the event, and we decided to broadcast the video of the Sports Festival at a later date, reducing the size of the program to just the students and faculty members. In keeping with the slogan of this year's festival, "Go the distance, Seizing the Story of Youth," you had a series of fierce battles that left the audience with a refreshing impression. In particular, the cheering competition was conducted mainly by the cheering leaders, while other members refrained from yelling in loud voices, but all the groups were united in a wonderful way that impressed the audience. I would like you to make use of what you have done as much as you can and what you were impressed with from the athletic festival in your school life. Watching the athletic festival, I feel like I have found another "wonderful point" and "potential power" of our Shinonome students.
Autumn is just around the corner. I hope that each and every one of you will make the most of this second term to achieve your own goals. Let's get started!