3学期は、一年の締めくくりの学期であります。1、2学期と違い、日数的には短い学期ですが、「本気でやれば」十分に使える時間があります。中学1年生から高校2年生にとって、3学期は、学年の総仕上げの学期、特に中学3年生にとっては、義務教育最後の学期でもあります。全学年とも勉強はもちろんのこと部活動等の諸活動に東雲生としての自覚をもって、一人一人が、やれた、やったという成就感を持てるよう、早く正月の休み気分を一掃して、新しい年の第一歩を踏み出してください。高校3年の受験生にとっては、いよいよ大学共通テストですね。これまで蓄えた力が充分発揮できるよう願っております。また中学3年生は修了式、高校3年生は卒業式という人生の大きな節目を間近に控えています。まさに本校での3年間あるいは6年間の集大成とも言える時期となりました。All's well that ends well.「終わりよければすべてよし」という言葉がありますが、一人一人が「本気」になって、自分の目標の達成に向けて努力し、「有終の美」が飾れるよう切に願っています。
Let's get started for your own goal. Thank you.
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you all had a meaningful winter vacation. As it is said that "The whole year's plans should be made on New Year's Day," have you set your goals for the new year? The 4th year of Reiwa, or the year 2022, has just begun. Last year, the Chinese character representing last year's social situation in Japan was "gold". The reason seems to be success in sports and games; Japanese athletes won many gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and Sota Fujii, a shogi player, achieved the youngest four crowns. I hope that Corona will blow over and that this year will be as brilliant as "gold," too.
Well, the corona infection situation had calmed down through the end of last year, but now that the New Year has started, people have suddenly started to be infected in our prefecture, and we are worried that the number of people who are positive for the Omicron strain will increase. The Omicron strain is said to be three or four times more infectious than the Delta strain, so we need to take more preventive measures than ever to avoid infection. First of all, when you wake up in the morning, if you have a fever or are not feeling well, please refrain from coming to school and see to your physical condition. It is cold in the school buildings, but please ventilate the rooms regularly. Please make sure to keep quiet at lunch. Also, please do what you have been doing to prevent infection, such as washing your hands, wearing masks, and avoiding the 3-dense environments. Let's all do our best to get through this difficult time.
This third term is about to begin. Unlike the first and second terms, it has a smaller number of days, but there is plenty of time to make a good use of it if you are serious. For students from the first year of junior high school to the second year of senior high school, this is the final term of the year. For the third year students of junior high school in particular, it is the last term in your compulsory education. I hope that each of you will take the first step into the new year by shutting the door of the New Year's vacation so that you can feel the fulfillment of having done it. For the third-year high school students, the Common Test for University Admissions is finally upon us. I hope that you will be able to fully demonstrate the academic ability you have acquired so far. In addition, the third-year students of junior and senior high school will have their graduation ceremonies, which are the major events in your school lives. There is a saying, "All's well that ends well," so I hope that each and every one of you will become "serious" and work hard to achieve your own goals and make efforts so that you will see success.
Let's get started for your own goal. Thank you.