40度に迫る危険な暑さにもようやく陰りが見え始めました。皆さん、体調管理は大丈夫でしょうか。先日の体育祭は大変お疲れ様でした。連日の猛暑の中、熱中症予防やコロナ感染対策をしながらの応援や競技練習等よく頑張りました。また、前日のテント張りの様子を見ていますと、皆さんがそれぞれよく動き短時間で完成させたことにも驚きました。東雲はなんでも自分たちで考えて行っている、そこに女子校のよさがあると改めて思いました。当日は台風9号の通過で開催できるかどうか気を揉みましたが、幸いなことに予定通り実施することができました。コロナ対策のため生徒用テントを増やし、観覧者を高校三年生の保護者に限定したり、またプログラム自体を縮小して実施しました。体育祭は、本年度のスローガン「青春ストリー『女子たちの戦(いくさ)の巻』」にふさわしい熱戦の連続で、観る者にさわやかな感動を与え、すばらしいものになりました。特に、各団のパネルは例年より、構図や色彩共に完成度が高く、皆の注目を集めました。体育祭に向けて、自分たちが限界まで頑張ったことや感動したことをこれからの学校生活に生かしてもらいたいものです。私は、体育祭を観て、東雲生の「素晴らしさ」や「底力」をまた一つ見つけたような感じがしました。 さて、コロナの感染が止まらないようです。全国的に見ますと連日何百人もの感染者が出ています。これからも、三密を避け、移らない、移さないなどの予防策を継続しなければなりません。ただ、どんなに予防していても今では誰でもコロナに感染してしまう状況だと思います。そんな中で皆さんの身近にいる人、例えばクラスの仲間が感染してしまったらどうでしょう。その人は、きちんとコロナ対策をしているのに感染した、言わば被害者です。皆でその人をいたわり、温かい思いやりを持って接することが大切です。ところが感染者に対して誹謗、中傷し、糾弾するような事例が全国的に頻発しています。県内でもありました。大変悲しい残念なことです。どうぞ皆さん、自分が感染者になったときのことを想像して、自分にしてほしくないようなことは絶対にしない、してもらったらいいようなことがあればそれをする。それが人間として大切なことです。コロナ禍は私たちの人間性を験(ため)しているようにも思えます。東雲生なら正しい判断をし、正しい行動が取れるものと信じています。 秋はもうそこに来ていますね。勉強に、スポーツに、そして芸術においても一番能率の上がる季節の到来です。皆さん一人ひとりが自分の目標に向かってこの2学期を充実させてください。 Autumn is the best season for everything. Let's get started!
The summer heat, which has been dangerously close to 40 degrees Celsius, has finally started to die down. I hope every one of you is doing well. Thank you for all the hard work you did at the Sports Festival the other day. You had had a hard time practicing for cheering and the competition while taking precautions against heat stroke and corona infection. Also, when I saw how the tents were set up the day before, I was very surprised at how well everyone worked and how quickly they were completed. In Shinonome, the students do everything, thinking about what to do by themselves. I thought again that the merit of a girls' school lies there. On the day of the event, we were worried about whether or not we could hold it because of the passage of Typhoon No. 9, but fortunate enough, we were able to do it as planned. In order to prevent corona infection, we increased the number of tents for students, limited the audience to the parents of third-year high school students, and reduced the program itself. The athletic festival was a great success, as it gave a refreshing impression to the audience through a series of hot battles appropriate for the slogan "Youth Story: The Battle of Girls (Ikusa)" of this school year. In particular, the panel of each group had a higher degree of perfection in terms of composition and color than usual, and attracted a lot of attention. I hope that you will make the most of what you did for the festival, and what impressed you in your future school life. I felt that I had found one more "brilliance" and "power" of the students of Shinonome by watching the festival. It seems that the corona epidemic has not stopped. Nationally, hundreds of people have been infected every day. We must continue to take preventive measures to avoid the “3 C's” and to avoid getting infected or passing the disease. However, no matter how much we try to prevent it, I suppose that anyone can be infected with corona nowadays. What would happen if someone close to you, such as a classmate, were to become infected? She is a victim of corona infection even though she has been taking proper countermeasures. It is important for everyone to take care of her and to treat her with warmth and compassion. However, cases of slander, defamation and denunciation of infected people are frequent all over the country. This also happened in our prefecture. It is very sad and unfortunate. Please, imagine that you have become a patient and never do anything you would not want others to do for you, and if there is something you would like others to do for you, do it. That is important as a human being. It seems that Corona is testing our human nature. I believe that Shinonome students can make the right decisions and take the right actions. Autumn is already here. This is the most effective season for study, sports, and art. I hope that each of you will make the most of this second term as you work toward your goals.