始業礼拝でも触れましたが、校門の両側に書かれている英語についてお話します。まず左側には "Let only the Eager, Thoughtful, Reverent enter here."と書かれています。訳してみると「東雲で学ぼうとする者は、高い理想をめざし、けいけんなる信仰を求め、まじめに努力をするためにこの門をくぐる」となります。そして右側には "And go forth prepared to serve God and thy neighbors."「東雲で学んだ者は、深い信仰と広い学問を身に付け、高潔な人格を養って、社会に出、神と人に仕える奉仕の精神を豊かにして、この門を出て行く」と書かれてあります。この言葉の意味をかみしめながら、東雲生であることにプライドを持って、毎日登校してもらいたいものです。いよいよ2021年度が始まります。自分の目標達成に向けて頑張ってください。 Let's get started to achieve your goal. You can do it!
Spring has come to the Dogo Plain, and the fresh green leaves are shining brighter, welcoming a season full of hope. The slope leading from the main gate to the school building is also filled with the fragrance of spring. Shockingly, in our prefecture, new clusters of Corona infections are now frequently occurring. So, on the 8th, we entered the "infection control period", which requires the utmost caution. Again, we need to take actions to avoid the risk of infection with a greater sense of urgency than ever before. Under such circumstances, we were able to hold a splendid entrance ceremony suitable for a traditional school on April 9th with 123 new students from both junior and senior high schools. The ceremony was held on a reduced scale, taking all possible measures to prevent infection. The new students this year experienced the entrance examinations under an unprecedentedly anxious environment of vigilance against infection by the new coronavirus. That is why I could feel how much they were looking forward to entering our school. I was particularly moved by the powerful pledges made by the representatives of the junior and senior high school students. I would like all the current students to remember the time when they entered the school and welcome the new students with kindness and warmth. Please be a respected role model as a senior, and be sure to convey to your juniors the good traditions, dignity, and rich school culture of Shinonome. I hope all of you will do that. As I mentioned in the opening ceremony, I would like to talk about the English that is written on both sides of the school gate. First of all, on the left side it says, "Let only the Eager, Thoughtful, Reverent enter here." This means, "Those who wish to study at Shinonome must pursue high ideals, devout faith, and serious effort to pass through this gate." And on the right side of the school gate, it says, "And go forth prepared to serve God and thy neighbors," which means,"Those who have studied at Shinonome will go out of this gate with deep faith, broad learning, and a noble character, enriched with a spirit of service to serve God and other people in society. I hope that you will remember the meanings of these words and come to school each day with pride in being a Shinonome student. The 2021 school year has begun. Please do your best to achieve your goals.