先月15日、四国地方が梅雨入りしました。これは1951年の統計開始以来最も早い梅雨入りだそうです。“It never rains but it pours.”(降ればどしゃぶり)という英文が思い浮かぶくらい、近年大雨の日が繰り返しやってきます。専門家は、地球温暖化に伴う海水温度の上昇が雨量の増大につながっていると分析し、気候変動時代に入り、今後とも豪雨災害のリスクは高くなるので、毎回十分な警戒が必要だと言っています。皆さんもハザードマップで近隣の安全な場所を確認し、有事の際には速やかに行動ができるようにしてください。また、初夏を感じる天候の中で、長時間のマスク着用は熱中症の危険が増すと言われています。校内でも予防策を取っていますが、水分補給を十分行い、体調管理を万全にしてください。
The Shikoku region entered the rainy season on the 15th of last month. This is the earliest start of the rainy season since records began in 1951. The English phrase "It never rains but it pours" comes to mind, as days of heavy rain have been coming more and more in recent years. Experts have concluded that the rise in sea water temperature due to global warming has led to an increase in rainfall, and say that we need to be constantly vigilant as we enter the era of climate change and the risk of heavy rainfall disasters continues to increase. I would like to ask everyone to check the hazard maps for safe places in your neighborhood so that you can act quickly in case of emergency. It is also said that wearing a mask for a long time in the early summer weather increases the risk of heat stroke. Our school will take precautions, but please make sure to stay hydrated and take good care of yourself as well.
By the way, when I looked into the classrooms of the junior high students in the morning, I found that almost all of them were seated and reading quietly. According to the junior high school teachers' comments, this activity did not go well when they first started it, but gradually the students became more positive about it, and this school year, it seems to have taken root. I think this is a really good way to calm down before the start of the school day. Also, when I go around the school buildings during the cleaning time after the lunch break, I am impressed by how hard everyone is working. It is a natural thing for human beings to clean the classrooms and toilets they use. If you think you are not doing enough, please do your best from now on.
The other day, I attended the speeches by the candidates of the student council election and their supporters. Each of them spoke openly in their own words about how to make the student council activities better and how to make school life more enjoyable and fulfilling. I was very touched by their performance and felt as if I had discovered another wonderful thing about Shinonome students.
This weekend, the prefectural and city sports tournaments will start. Despite the tournaments being held during the Corona disaster, I hope that each of you will make it a memorable event as a moment in your youth. I sincerely hope that all the students who participate in the tournament will play well and make endless progress in a refreshing and energetic way that is typical of Shinonome students.
Shinonome will surely make it!